
Colgate at 200 Years — Conclusion

Colgate’s task is to understand the platform its history offers and to take the advantages of this moment in the institution’s timeline as it stands on the cusp of its third century. Should Colgate commit itself to setting a rigorous course of academic achievement, while nurturing both its spirit and its sense of place, it will surely establish itself as one of the premier institutions of the world.

Colgate is, currently, a strong institution. In many ways, it has never been stronger. Its reputation and attributes are the envy of many colleges and universities. It has much to be proud of as it considers its first 200 years and much to be optimistic about as it considers its next century.

In short, the pathway forward for Colgate is to be a place of academic rigor, a place that attracts students and faculty of great achievement and potential, and a university that sends its graduates off into the world with promise for the future and with care and affection for their alma mater. Our future will be built on these foundations.